Since our mission is to help everyone, we have listed some suggested health improvements which are FREE, and others which are expensive.
1. Listen to Healing Frequencies!
We all know how strongly sounds can affect us. Softly spoken words can melt our hearts, the jarring sound of a glass crashing on the floor or the sweetest of all: the trembling footsteps of a toddler.. The question is..
These sounds, and how they affect us, is it all in our heads?
Are these sounds only as good or bad as we ascribe them to be, or do they directly affect our bodies physically?
As the saying goes, the most entertaining answer is the most likely..
It turns out that sounds actually do affect us directly. The only part of our body that can "hear" are the Cochlear cells, they have a tiny hair attached to them which is moved by the sound waves, and this movement is sensed by the Cochlear cell, allowing us to perceive all the beautiful and ugly sounds that surround us.
If sound can directly interact with the cells in our body, it
2. Incline Your Bed!
You may have noticed that you feel very different when you are hanging upside down than when you are standing upright. This simple primary observation reveals that gravity plays a big role in our biology. For a short period, this can be beneficial, but if we are talking hours, then it will get real difficult for the body. To understand this better, let's consider exactly what consequences we suffer when gravity works against us. It is much more difficult to pump blood, it will start to pool up in your head, increasing pressure inside the cranium and eyes, lungs will not be able to expand fully, lymphatic flow is greatly impaired.
For all the reasons mentioned, it is highly suboptimal to sleep entirely flat.
Neither man nor ape sleeps flat in nature.
Always slighted tilted upwards.
If you've ever had the misfortune of sleeping with your head slightly tilted down, you know that you wake up feeling like a sack of garbage. It's time to flip the situation and reap the benefits. Our humble estimate is that when you get the angle correct, you'll wake up feeling like you had an extra hour of sleep every night. When you are at it, put a pillow by your knees as well - between them if you sleep on your side, or below the knees if you sleep on your back. It costs you no more than one minute and zero investment to put a book or two under the top of your bed-frame. Incline your bed today, and thank us tomorrow.
3. Open Your Windows!
For thousands of years, people across the world believed that foul-smelling air directly caused disease. Often referred to as "Miasma Theory", it was a useful model of the world, poor ventilation was one of few non-obvious pathways to poor health. With industrialization a million novel ways to poison yourself arose, and so the modern hoax "germ theory" was popularized and the traditional teachings of air & health were thrown out with the garbage, as all focus was now on "scary pathogenic bacteria".
4. Your Steering Wheel Is Probably Toxic..
You're probably familiar with the disgusting cousin of plastic, named "PFAS", commonly referred to as a "forever chemical" as it is near-impossible for the body to remove. For some godforsaken reason almost all steering wheels are entirely covered in PFAS, even leather ones..! If it feels synthetic, then indeed it is, you know how the texture of real leather is supposed to be, easy to see if you are in trouble of not.
If you are, the solution is actually very cozy, and quite cheap as well if we may say it ourselves. Certainly good value for your money. There are benefits beyond the coziness and toxicity avoidance too - namely electric. Modern cars are overflowing with strong electromagnetic fields and waves, causing static electrical buildup and positive ions, wool has highly beneficial electrical properties to mitigate this, holding both your palms to wool will provide you a certain amount of virtual grounding while you are driving. Nice!
5. Grounding While You Sleep!
We have a limited amount of time and energy, and since we offer so many health-giving ideas and habits, it's hard to do it all. Yes, sure, going on long barefoot walks outside is great, but do you have the time to do that multiple times every single day without fail? Hardly. Wouldn't it be great if you could enjoy automatic improvements to your life, with zero effort?
All you need is to add another sheet to your bed, between the mattress and your normal bed sheet. You then connect this sheet with a wire to a grounding point - the absolute best is to bury a grounding rod in the earth, the second best option is to connect the grounding sheet with a grounding cable to nearby metal water pipes, and the third option is to use the grounding plug in your electrical outlet.
6. Incandescent bulbs
7. Incandescent > OLED > LCD
8. More Plants
9. Water Fountain
10. Eggs as Shampoo
11. Hot Water Bottle
12. Toothbrush
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