Open window, light sources, grounding sheet, eating before sleep, chinese organ clock, sleeping playlist..
Incline Your Bed!
You may have noticed that you feel very different when you are hanging upside down than when you are standing upright. This simple primary observation reveals that gravity plays a big role in our biology. For a short period, this can be beneficial, but if we are talking hours, then it will get real difficult for the body. To understand this better, let's consider exactly what consequences we suffer when gravity works against us. It is much more difficult to pump blood, it will start to pool up in your head, increasing pressure inside the cranium and eyes, lungs will not be able to expand fully, lymphatic flow is greatly impaired.
For all the reasons mentioned, it is highly suboptimal to sleep entirely flat.
Neither man nor ape sleeps flat in nature.
Always slighted tilted upwards.
If you've ever had the misfortune of sleeping with your head slightly tilted down, you know that you wake up feeling like a sack of garbage. It's time to flip the situation and reap the benefits. Our humble estimate is that when you get the angle correct, you'll wake up feeling like you had an extra hour of sleep every night. When you are at it, put a pillow by your knees as well - between them if you sleep on your side, or below the knees if you sleep on your back. It costs you no more than one minute and zero investment to put a book or two under the top of your bed-frame. Incline your bed today, and thank us tomorrow.
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